Terms & Conditions

  1. Company Name: L&M Sign
  2. User Data Collection:
    • Types of Data: We collect phone numbers and emails from users.
    • Purpose of Data Collection: The data is collected for product sales and customer support related to work order records.
  3. Data Storage and Security Measures:
    • Phone and work order records are securely stored with access limited to authorized personnel.
    • Stringent security measures are in place, including encryption and access controls.
  4. Third-Party Data Sharing:
    • We do not share user data with any third parties, partners, affiliates, or others.
  5. User Rights and Choices:
    • Users have the right to access, correct, and delete their data.
    • Requests regarding user data can be made verbally or face-to-face.
  6. Compliance with Healthcare Laws:
    • Not applicable, as we do not collect health-related data.
  7. Policy Updates:
    • Users will be informed about updates to the privacy policy or terms and conditions through email communication.
  8. Governing Law:
    • These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction specified as “IDK” (I Don’t Know).
  9. Dispute Resolution:
    • Disputes will be resolved verbally or face-to-face, as necessary.
  10. Limitation of Liability:
    • Our liability is limited as outlined in our separate Limitation of Liability clause.
  11. User Account and Usage Terms:
    • As we do not gather personal information through user accounts, specific user account and usage terms are not applicable.
  12. Prohibited Activities:
    • Not specified. Users are expected to adhere to applicable laws and ethical standards.
  13. Intellectual Property Rights:
    • Not specified. Users are expected to respect intellectual property rights.